Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Plan for You

God knows that one of the most powerful ways to get your attention is through your finances.

If your finances are in disarray, your financial house is in disorder and your debts are greater than your income, this is God's wakeup call to you.

Fear is a result of lack of love and lack of knowledge. If you are fearful concerning your finances it's because your love of God has yet to be perfected and your faith in God has yet to be fulfilled. If you are fearful about your finances, it is because you lack the financial knowledge that will set your financial house in order and bring you into financial freedom.

Bills may be choking you. Debt may be drowning you. Financial worries may be keeping you up at night. But God has a plan for you, God has a rescue planned.

God has brought you to this point because He loves you. But you have relied on the world to take care of your material and financial needs. Now that world is breaking down and God is showing you what an illusion it always has been.

Your financial freedom is at hand. But first you must take God's hand and accept Him into your home. You must put your total faith and trust in God and stop relying on the ways of the world to provide you with your needs. Only God can truly provide you with everything you need including financial wealth, prosperity, abundance, good health, happiness and success.

Godd has promised - through the death of His Son Jesus - to deliver to you now, the treasures of His Kingdom. In your lifetime. You won't have to wait until you get to heaven to receive all the blessings and treasures of His Kingdom, you receive them now, at the rate your faith grows, at the rate your service to His Kingdom increases, at the rate that your walk along God's path progresses.

As your walk down God's path progresses, so does your walk into God's Kingdom increase. As your distance into God's Kingdom increases, so does your inheritance of the blessings and treasures of God's Kingdom increase.

You inherit the riches of God's Kingdom in your lifetime, not in the hereafter.

To begin your journey to financial freedom, read God's Plan for Your Life and take the steps mentioned there.

God is separating the wheat from the chaff. The chaff will be burned in the everlasting fire. Turn to God and claim your financial freedom beginning today. Be the wheat and enjoy the riches God has promised to all those who accept the inheritance of His Kingdom.

Begin Now

Go now to God's Plan for Your Life and begin the journey God has for you.