Monday, December 26, 2011

To Build a Better Tomorrow, We Must Choose Better Today

A Green World

A green world, bright skies, fresh air, clean fresh water, homes and buildings that are self-sufficient in their energy needs. Renewable energy resources, healthy children even in today’s most desperate locations, food enough for everyone. What is your idea of a better tomorrow? How would a perfect world look to you?

Tomorrow’s World

Today’s world is a result of the collective action the human race has made up to this point in time. The world of tomorrow will be a result of the collective action we, as a race, take today. To create a better world we must improve our actions. To improve our actions, we must think better thoughts.

The Problem

People are stuck. They are stuck in their jobs, they are stuck in their relationships, they are stuck in their careers, they are stuck in their way of life. But all these areas where we are stuck is because of one fundamental area where we are stuck: We are stuck in our thoughts. Your thoughts guide you, filter your perceptions and determine your responses and actions to the circumstances and events of your life. You may think that these thoughts are natural and automatic, and they are, but what you may not realize is that the world you experience conforms to your expectations about it.

Two Choices

The world we live in, full of crime, wars, immorality and violence, is a result that we as a race, have created by our collective action. Those actions were a result of our collective thoughts. Today we stand at a junction. We have two choices to make. We can either continue down the path we have been choosing, with its crime, wars and violence, its hatred, misery and staggering unemployment around the world and loss of hope and lack of faith among those upon whom the future depends; our children.

Or, we can choose better. We can choose to build a green world, full of happy children in open schools, playing and laughing and chasing butterflies, with self-sufficient homes and energy resources in every community, of cities of renewable energy resources, fresh water, clean air and plenty of food for everyone. We can choose to create a world where we all have equitable access to opportunity, to pursue our dreams as we choose, to pursue happiness as we see fit, to pursue life in the manner we feel is best.

We can choose better, and we must.

The Path and the Solution

“Failure Is Not An Option” is about putting people on the path to their own dreams. It is our belief that there is a God in heaven who has given to each man and woman, upon birth, a plan, a mission, a specific and unique gift that that person alone is qualified to give to the world. And it is our belief that, in God’s infinite wisdom, all these individual dreams will dovetail with each other collectively to create a world where the sun shines bright, energy is green and renewable, food is plentiful and abundant and water is clean and fresh.

To achieve this, we must release each person from the prison of their own past. We must stake out a position for the future in which everyone benefits because everyone is better; making better choices, seizing better opportunities and building better dreams.

This is where “Failure Is Not An Option” comes in. We provide the training to each person for them to recognize that specific dream that God has given to them and we provide some of the basic and essential tools and training that will give each person the opportunity to seize their dream, to seize the opportunities that come their way and to build that life which seems best for them.

“Failure Is Not An Option” does not stand in the way of anyone’s vision or dream, we give people the opportunity to look deep inside themselves, perhaps where they have never looked before, and help them to seize the dream that lies buried in their heart.

The Method

“Failure Is Not An Option” has identified a series of training classes, workshops, seminars and one-on-one training and counseling that will help a person to escape the restrictions of their past beliefs and rebuild a set of beliefs that will empower their future. We will help each individual to learn the essentials of what it means to build a better world, not just for themselves, but for everyone. We will help each person to envision a future world at peace, with open opportunity for all and of plentiful food and water and green and renewable energy resources.

Personalized Education

We are all different. Each and everyone of us is unique. Each of us learns in a manner that is best for them. We all seek the same things; to be happy, to be loved, to be free, to have friends and empowering relationships, to live in health in a green and peaceful world with plenty of food and water and good health for all. Today that dream is within our grasp. But no one person has the ability to grasp such a dream alone. It is something which only we as a people, as a human race, as a world civilization, can achieve. It is only by working individually that our collective efforts can build a world that is beyond the dreams, hopes and aspirations of even the most daring visionary.

A Better World, One Person at a Time

“Failure Is Not An Option” recognizes that the dream of a better world is upon us, but so also is our destruction. If we choose wrong, our demise is assured, if we choose better, the hope of what could be, may be. We understand that mass change is impossible, we can only change the world one person at a time. With individualized instruction and person to person coaching and counseling, “Failure Is Not An Option” is confident that the dream of a better tomorrow is not only within reach, but is in fact, within grasp. You can help.

Founder’s Training

To build a better tomorrow, we must choose better today. To choose better today, we must rebuild our mind to set aside and forget about the hurts of our past, the limitations we believe in which exist nowhere else but in our mind and negative thoughts, patterns and habits we have built up over the years. Each member of “Failure Is Not An Option” – and each student – must complete the same training. This is no different for the founder than for any person who comes along later. To ensure success, we must create the framework for success and in such a framework, failure is not an option.

Training has been broken out into six month segments. Each segment will cost approximately $25,000. After the first six months, training is expected to pay for itself by providing training, coaching and workshops to others. A full series of books, ebooks, CDs and DVDs will also be prepared and available for purchase by students. Online classes, seminars (webinars) and teleconferences will also be available to students. All of these are expected to generate significant revenues with a high profit basis. Although it may be necessary to request additional funding at a later date, $25,000 is the amount of our current request. I fully expect that “Failure Is Not An Option” will pay for itself and provide a profit well within the first year.

Your Help

Won’t you help? By providing just some of the funding, at any level, your assistance will be greatly appreciated. You may provide this as a gift or a loan or as a down payment toward your own training within the program.

Your Help Will Change the World

A green world, bright skies, friendly neighbors, good health, friends and family, renewable energy, energy self-sufficient homes and cars, plenty of fresh food and water for everyone, worldwide peace; this is the world your help will help bring. Can I count on you? Help me change the world – one person at a time.

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Success Is...

Success is 100% a result of your belief state.

If you believe you will be successful, you will be, regardless of the disadvantages you may begin with and regardless of the obstacles and challenges arrayed against you.

If you believe you will not be successful, you will not be, regardless of the advantages you may have at your disposal, regardless of the benefits and resources you may command and regardless of any help, assistance or aid you may receive from others.

You will succeed if you believe you will and you will not succeed if, buried away somewhere inside you, you believe you cannot.

The way to determine your future success is to look at your past. If you have been a success at everything, or nearly everything, or many of the things you have tried, then you have a good shot at succeeding at whatever endeavor you may attempt in the future.

If you have failed over and over again, despite trying again and again, despite having resources available and despite help and assistance from friends, acquaintances and team members, the odds are high you will fail again at whatever you will try next.

Most likely, the belief state which determines your success or failure is buried within your subconscious. It is hiding there creating, literally, a metaphysical vortex of energy that attracts to you the circumstances and partners in the role play of your life which decide your success or failure.

This belief state was formed before you had the conscious volition of deciding what you wanted to believe about success. You have similar belief states about every aspect of life and your role in it and your relationships to others. But the dominant belief state that controls, dictates and determines whether or not you succeed is your success/failure belief state. This belief state guides and molds the other belief states to create not only the circumstances of your life, but your identity as well as your sense of self-worth.

A subconscious mechanism is difficult, and often, for most people, impossible, to change. But there are technologies and modalities that can reach in and change a subconscious belief to fit the intent of your conscious desires.

One of these modalities is cognitive therapy that aims to change a person’s dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs to create a source state from which the individual has the ability to choose their responses to life more intelligently and with intent. Another, and even more powerful, modality is NLP. NLP, which stands for neuro-linguistic programming, has the intention of accessing the subconscious beliefs of a person’s mind to create a powerful set of belief states that enhance the individual’s experience of life. NLP may be the most powerful, and is certainly the fastest, route to achieve the belief states necessary for success.

There are many practitioners and schools of NLP. Some are better than others. If you plan to take an NLP course or obtain NLP therapy, or cognitive therapy, thoroughly research the individual or school beforehand. Check the Better Business Bureau, research peer review sites and publications and interview the people who will be involved with your program before committing to any particular person or program.

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I help people discover their dream, and then I help them to implement it.

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I am on a mission to change the world.

I help people to discover their true purpose in life, their secret work, their true calling, their mission. I believe everyone has a gift that they alone are qualified to give to the world – even if they have buried it or even if they never knew what that gift was.

Only by living that gift, by offering it to the world does a person truly live. When that gift is suppressed, a person dies; it may be quick or slow, it may be through psychology or by physicality, but if a person is not living the life God had for them, if they are not living their purpose, they life will feel more like death than like life. They will never feel satisfied, they will never feel fulfilled; they will always feel as if something is missing, as if there must be more.

I help a person to discover their purpose by helping them to discover what they truly love to do. I help them to uncover their gifts and talents and identify their values and beliefs.

Obstacles are all the reasons and excuses you tell yourself that hold you back from the realization of your dreams and living a truly fulfilling, satisfying and happy life. Obstacles hold you back from living the life you want to live and that you should be and deserve to be living. I give people the life they should be living by helping people clear the obstacles that are in their way.

Even if you are perfectly clear about what you want, even if all the obstacles that are in your way have been removed and the goals and lifestyle you seek are crystal clear; you may have no idea what to do next or what to do first. The next step is to provide a roadmap toward your dreams. We provide the training, resources and tools you need to create and move along that roadmap; building a relationship with God, building a relationship with your family and fellow man, building teams, learning the spiritual laws of success and learning the spiritual laws of financial success. We help you improve on your skills, to release your gifts and talents, to create a plan for the realization of your dreams and help you live the life that only you and God have dreamed about for you.

By doing all this I can change the world, one person at a time by helping each person to live the life they were born to live. In so doing, not only does each person feel wonderful, happy, fulfilled and satisfied, wealthy, healthy and prosperous, they are also fulfilling their purpose, answering their true calling, performing their secret mission and perfect work, they are doing the work that God has called them to do. I have given people back to themselves; each person is doing their share in the building of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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