Monday, December 26, 2011


I am on a mission to change the world.

I help people to discover their true purpose in life, their secret work, their true calling, their mission. I believe everyone has a gift that they alone are qualified to give to the world – even if they have buried it or even if they never knew what that gift was.

Only by living that gift, by offering it to the world does a person truly live. When that gift is suppressed, a person dies; it may be quick or slow, it may be through psychology or by physicality, but if a person is not living the life God had for them, if they are not living their purpose, they life will feel more like death than like life. They will never feel satisfied, they will never feel fulfilled; they will always feel as if something is missing, as if there must be more.

I help a person to discover their purpose by helping them to discover what they truly love to do. I help them to uncover their gifts and talents and identify their values and beliefs.

Obstacles are all the reasons and excuses you tell yourself that hold you back from the realization of your dreams and living a truly fulfilling, satisfying and happy life. Obstacles hold you back from living the life you want to live and that you should be and deserve to be living. I give people the life they should be living by helping people clear the obstacles that are in their way.

Even if you are perfectly clear about what you want, even if all the obstacles that are in your way have been removed and the goals and lifestyle you seek are crystal clear; you may have no idea what to do next or what to do first. The next step is to provide a roadmap toward your dreams. We provide the training, resources and tools you need to create and move along that roadmap; building a relationship with God, building a relationship with your family and fellow man, building teams, learning the spiritual laws of success and learning the spiritual laws of financial success. We help you improve on your skills, to release your gifts and talents, to create a plan for the realization of your dreams and help you live the life that only you and God have dreamed about for you.

By doing all this I can change the world, one person at a time by helping each person to live the life they were born to live. In so doing, not only does each person feel wonderful, happy, fulfilled and satisfied, wealthy, healthy and prosperous, they are also fulfilling their purpose, answering their true calling, performing their secret mission and perfect work, they are doing the work that God has called them to do. I have given people back to themselves; each person is doing their share in the building of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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